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Health and Science

Sector overview

This sector includes both public and private services that support the advancement of medical research, healthcare delivery, and technological innovation. It includes hospitals, research centres and environmental research organisations.

Apprenticeship Standards

There are over 100 different apprenticeship standards ranging from Level 2 to 7. Apprenticeship titles include (click each title for more information):


Health and Science Image

There will always be jobs within the health and science sector, as the population ages and science advances to identify and treat new and existing illnesses and diseases.

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You could work in hospitals, outpatient clinics or a health center. Alternatively, you could work in the community or for an optician or dentist.

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Career progression
You could progress from a Dental Nurse to Dental Hygienist; a Healthcare Support Worker to an Arts Therapist. The higher your career progresses, the more opportunity to specialise.

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Personal Attributes

Each employer will have different requirements, depending on the level of apprenticeship on offer. General skills and attributes required include:
  • English and maths GCSE at Grade 4 (C)
  • Communication skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Positive attitude
  • Empathy